BIMxHTML v0.0.8 – More Custom Nodes to Generate Google Charts

It looks like there has been some interest in the BIMxHTML Dynamo package and its encouraged me to develop some custom nodes to simplify the display of Google Charts using pure Dynamo.

The Custom Nodes

Download the sample files below to get a good example of how to use these nodes. Essentially, they output an entire web page and as of today the intent is to use them in the iframes of a dashboard.

Data Set – Quantities of Family Types.dyf

Use this node to build a dictionary of family types of any given category. The output is actually a list of sublists which contain the [key, value] pairs as [family type, quantity]. For example:  [Diffuser24x24, 17].

This node is helpful to use for the input of any of the Google Chart nodes.

Create a data set for use as input to the BIMxHTML nodes.

Generate Web Page – Google Pie Chart.dyf

Creates the complete web page to display a responsive pie chart based on the Google Charts API. The intent for the HTML file is to reference it in an iframe for a dashboard (more on that to come).

Refer to the Google Charts documentation for options input.

Create the HTML for a Google Pie Chart.

Generate Web Page – Google Bar Chart.dyf

This node takes the same exact input as the Pie Chart node and outputs a bar graph.

Refer to the Google Charts documentation for options input.

Create the HTML for a Google Bar Chart.

Sample Files

Refer to the sample Dynamo graphs below to get a better idea of how to use these nodes. Dashboard-Mech.html is currently the best example because it displays a pie chart, a bar chart, and a table – all generated directly from Dynamo. (726 downloads )
A dashboard generated using Revit, Dynamo, Bootstrap, and Google Charts.
A dashboard generated using Revit, Dynamo, Bootstrap, and Google Charts.