Use Dynamo to delete all views in Revit.

Use Dynamo to delete all views in Revit

I have been working on a Dynamo Workflow that will purge out all views and sheets from a Revit model. Yes, there are several add-ins that currently accomplish this task, however I eventually want to create a “Super Purge” Workflow that will purge a model of all views, sheets, and elements for me. More on that to come.


  • Clockwork
  • Springs
  • Dynamo

The Workflow

Use Dynamo to delete all views in Revit.

The SetDifference node is grabbing all views in the current document from the Document.Views node and removes the  user-specified view to keep in the model from the Views node. Note that Revit maintains the requirement to have at least one view within a project.

Then, the Springs.Doc.DeleteElements node deletes all views (except for the one chosen in step one).


Dynamo - Delete all Views (1613 downloads )

Special Thanks

A special thanks goes out to the good folks at for helping me out with this solution.